Estate Planning, Collaborative Family Law & Mediation

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The Collaborative Team

Divorce is a complex, emotional, financial, relationship-altering event with legal overtones. The team approach offered by a Collaborative Divorce offers you the support of skilled, compassionate professionals to help you manage the many aspects of your divorce. The team approach is flexible, you only use the professionals you need. The Collaborative Lawyer Though a Collaborative… Continue Reading

Working With Your Lawyer (Part 3)

Here are the final two tips for having a successful attorney-client relationship: Talk about legal fees and charges at your first visit Your attorney should talk to your about the cost of representing you at your first meeting. An attorney cannot always determine exactly what the fees will be because estimating the amount of work… Continue Reading

A Brief Introduction to Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Practice is an option that allows divorcing couples to resolve disputes respectfully and equitably without going to court. The goal is to help the couple focus on their most important goals, especially children, throughout the divorce process. The result is a more efficient, targeted, and productive way to resolve disputes. Collaborative Practice differs from… Continue Reading

More On Probate

For the first part of this series, see: About Probate. Who is the personal representative? A personal representative is an individual or entity who is responsible for administering or “probating” the decedent’s estate. Usually, if a person dies with a Will, the decedent has named a personal representative in the Will. If there is no… Continue Reading

Working With Your Lawyer (Part 2)

Communication is the foundation of a good attorney-client relationship. Here are a few hints to help build that foundation. Prepare for phone calls and meetings with your attorney. Organize your materials and information before you talk with your attorney. Prepare a written summary or detailed notes that outline your problems and questions. Depending on the… Continue Reading

Working With Your Lawyer

Like any relationship, a successful working relationship with your lawyer involves trust and cooperation, so: Give your attorney complete and candid information. The side effects of online vardenafil online australia compose of light headedness, dizziness, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue etc. order cialis no prescription Write and Submit Articles Articles are one of the most… Continue Reading

DIY Estate Planning

In these cost-conscious times, it is not uncommon to ask yourself: “why shouldn’t I write my on Will?” or “Why shouldn’t I use one of those on-line Trust forms?” after all, your situation seems simple enough, you know how you want your estate to be handled and, given all those readily available on-line forms,  it… Continue Reading

About Probate

Probate is the legal court process for paying a person’s debts and expenses and distributing a person’s property after that person’s death. In a probate matter, the person who has died is called the “decedent,” and his or her property is called the “estate.” Usually, a decedent’s debts are paid from the estate and any… Continue Reading